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Build stronger teams, drive leadership, communication skills and break down silos with our collaborative team building business simulation game.

Request a TeamWork.Inc demo Benefits and applications Picture of a team bonding over team building activities to represent the power of serious games in team building exercises

Team building simulation

TeamWork.Inc is one of our business simulations that focuses on empowering teams to communicate efficiently and effectively to run a business whilst generating profit.

Played virtually or in a classroom, participants learn and improve business skills by running a virtual business in a realistic and interactive platform, hosted by a professional facilitator. The simulation is a great way to deliver team collaboration training with everyone working together to achieve a common goal based on real-world business scenarios.
Split into different departments and roles, teams learn how to optimize a struggling business by working together; all whilst staying in business and making a profit.
Pictures of Immersive Edge serious games such as TeamWork.Inc and how the simulations work. Pictures of Immersive Edge serious games such as TeamWork.Inc and how the simulations work. Book a demo

26 weeks in 26 minutes

We challenge teams to develop the strategies to deliver organisational success in only a few short hours. This is a fantastic challenge which tests their team building skills and provides a fast but effective way to deliver team training focussed on collaboration, leadership skills, effective communication, business empathy and much more. The games are designed for groups of up 5 to 15 people and divided into three to four rounds. Each round is 26 minutes and involves the equivalent of  26 weeks of trade. After each round, teams get to reflect and learn from past mistakes to improve their performance in future rounds. And, unlike in the real-world, all actions in the team building simulation game won’t have a negative impact on your business. This lets teams learn through making mistakes in a safe environment where failing is encouraged. Minutes Seconds Time’s up!

How it works: Experiential learning

Practice makes perfect.

Experiential learning is the most successful method of driving organizational change, improving thinking skills and creating lasting connections. The recreation of real-world business scenarios allows users to learn by doing and results in a higher player engagement and emotional involvement.

Our business simulations

Our experiential business learning games use advanced game technology, experiential learning, and behavioral dynamics to increase retention and create lasting connections. We recreate common organizational challenges like departmental silos, sustainability, equity, diversity and inclusion. Our simulations

Featured games


Connect everyday decision-making with the sustainability of your organization and the planet.


Build stronger teams, drive leadership and break down silos through an engaging team building game.

Benefits and applications


Business empathy

Silo thinking has consequences. Learn how to anticipate problems before they happen.

Team collaboration

Teams rapidly realize that the only way they can win is through working together.

Building trust

Inter-departmental trust is critical. Teams learn to work in complete harmony.

Systems thinking

Enable 360 degree thinking, with teams thinking about the whole organization.

Common goals

Teams learn for themselves how to develop the strategy needed to create a successful organization.

> Applications

and many more

Our team training games and facilitations can be adapted to any business needs.

Deployment options


Direct gaming

Immersive Edge will deliver games for you. We will coordinate with your organization’s stakeholders to understand your goals — global, team and individual. Immersive Edge will ensure the facilitation is tailored to your needs to meet your expectations. Request a demo


You can have a team of facilitators trained in the delivery of the game within your organization. We offer a two-day training program. Contact Us

Delivery Partner

Become a delivery partner in your local market and expand your services, win more clients and generate more revenue with our business simulations. Become a Delivery Partner>

What our clients say

Martyn Ware
Scottish Qualifications Authority One day, all learning will be like this
Debbi Varela
Procore Every single leadership team should go through this. It genuinely feels unique, it helps businesses to function healthier and be better than competitors.
Neil Bradbrook
Ahead Business Consulting It is an excellent product: thought-provoking, fostering greater collaboration, process improvement and a better understanding of the big picture, and it’s FUN!
Anam Sethi
Activ8 It really did feel like a mini-MBA, as I walked away with a comprehensive understanding of how a business is run and how various departments come together to make it a success. I also learned a lot about remote working; a group of strangers transformed into a great team by the end of it, almost as if we had been working together for months before. CONTACT US

Ready to transform your business?

Unleash human potential through serious games and experiential learning. The TeamWork.Inc team building simulation will transform your organisation.